May 1st caught us a little unawares as summer starts to roar like a freight train at our heels. Normally, we like to have our summer schedule wrapped up by now in our efforts to prepare for the onslaught. The month of July will bring in as much business as October, November and December combined! For the next 4 months bakery staff will double in size and our output will easily triple. It makes for some very anxious moments as we sift through applicants and returning employees, do we have enough people to stay open late on Shorebird weekend? Sadly, not at this Memorial Day, we hope! We do have Irene and Ben already back with us as Ryan had to head back to Spitfire Grill for the summer. This a very exciting turn of events as Ben made his way from New York and 'Rene from Portland. We also have Haven (I do anticipate a reunion of the Dirty Rags...oh YEAH!) and Emily and Jenny AND Miss Red will be here to help us keep it all together. Maggie Wyatt, daughter of Barb, will be here next week to join us as well. Looks like there'll be room for a couple more, which is always something to look forward to! The female staff would like a few more guys to round out the, um, odds.( I do love seeing how it all comes together!) Sharon has been working hard to wrap up those schedules and get our retail supplies in order...thanks to her, we actually have new T-shirts for this weekend, the very start of our tourist season...way to go girl! Me, I'm trying to get my new bread schedule down and in particular trying to keep this town stocked in loaves of Multigrain! While your waiting for your bread, would you care to have a sandwich?!
Coming Events: Brianna and Natalia have hung their paintings at the bakery and they are amazing! Look forward to Photos...!
Also, Louden Wainright coming to stay with us on Thurday, Hot Tuna on Friday(!) and then Mason Jennings on Saturday (!!!) It's going to be a FUN weekend!
Hope you had an amazing weekend! I'd love to bring my family up for the Shorebird fest next year.
Regards to Sharon Roufa from an old USY friend.
Still looking for summer staff?
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